Southern Literature Challenge

Cover of "The Prince of Tides: A Novel"

Cover of The Prince of Tides: A Novel

I know what you’re thinking.

Another challenge? Seriously?

But when I read the description of the challenge at The Introverted Reader, I just couldn’t help it, because some of my favorite books (Gone with the Wind, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe) are Southern, and I teach or have taught others (Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Secret Life of Bees, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), but there’s so much I haven’t read. Plus one of my choices is an overlap with another challenge, which makes it totally do-able. Right?

So here’s my list:

As I Lay Dying , William Faulkner
The Moviegoer, Walker Percy
The Prince of Tides: A Novel, Pat Conroy (I’ve never even seen the movie!)

So that brings me to four challenges for 2011 (so far). I’ve also added a Challenges page, so that you (and I) can keep up with what I’ve read so far, and what I thought of it.


Filed under Southern Literature Challenge

5 responses to “Southern Literature Challenge

  1. Challenges are so hard to resist aren’t they? I’ve said “no” to them this year but there are always so many good ones. Have fun with your southern reading!

    • You know, since I signed up for this one, I’ve seen three I would have joined! But I just don’t think I should pick up any others right now–will keep my eyes open for any month-long challenges however!

  2. Thanks for signing up for my challenge! I haven’t seen or read The Prince of Tides either. I’ll have to think about it for my own challenge books.

    • Thanks for hosting it, Jen! PoT came yesterday from Amazon, I started it last night, and I’m definitely enjoying it–makes me think a lot about what “Southern” literature is defined by, beyond setting. Looking forward to seeing your list!

  3. Pingback: Review: The Prince of Tides | Jackie Is Reading…..

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